This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Ocean Observing

Ocean Observing

Ocean observing provides invaluable data and information to guide sound decision making for the protection and sustainability of our ever-changing ocean. Ocean observing systems in the Northeast Pacific (CIOOS Pacific, NANOOS, AOOS, SCOOS, CeNCOOS, PacIOOS) are working together to address fragmented and isolated ocean data and increase data interoperability and access, in accordance with the FAIR and CARE principles. The coordination of ocean observing efforts regionally, nationally and globally is essential to help build a comprehensive digital representation of the ocean, which will provide equitable access to data, information, knowledge and technology for all ocean users. The coordinated management and stewardship of ocean data, following common standards and best practices, will allow adaptability and resilience and the ability to accurately predict future ocean states.

We're working on this theme!
We're working on growing this page to create a resource of Ocean Decade initiatives in the Northeast Pacific region. To help us in this effort please contact us.

Partners in this work






See the opportunities section for all opportunities.

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