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Oct 18, 2023 | 12:00PM - 4:51PM | PST | Online

The Power of Maps: Bringing Together Tools, Technology & People to Understand, Manage and Protect Kelp Forests


Join the Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific for a dialogue about the new Ocean Decade-endorsed publication, Mapping Canopy-Forming Kelps in the Northeast Pacific: A Guidebook for Decision-Makers and Practitioners. This newly released guidebook distills knowledge from 50 topical experts into a user-friendly guidebook to help readers of all backgrounds apply state-of-the-art kelp mapping and monitoring techniques to inform strategic management and conservation.

We'll hear from our invited speakers, then it's your turn! We invite participants to join the invited speaker in moderated conversation. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and share your perspectives. After the webinar, we invite Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to stay online to discuss, debrief, and exchange ideas in a focused session with the speakers. An Early Career Ocean Professional self-identifies as being early in their career in any field related to the ocean, including undergraduate or graduate education or in the workforce.

We are thrilled to invite the following speakers to share their expertise with us: 

  • Luba Reshitnyk - Research Scientist, Hakai Institute

  • Vienna Saccomano - Senior Scientist, The Nature Conservancy 

  • Tom Bell -  Scientist, Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute 

  • Kyle Cavanaugh - Vice Director of the Marine Center and Associate Professor, Department of Geography at UCLA

  • Danielle Claar -  Kelp Ecologist,   Washington State  Department of Natural Resources

Watch the webinar here:

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Kelp Mapping Guidebooks:

The newly released guidebooks are available in English and Spanish!

Kelp Mapping Guidebook - English Kelp Mapping Guidebook - Spanish

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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