This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

August 1st, 2024

Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific: Archived Website

From 2021-2024, the Tula Foundation hosted a regional collaborative center for the Northeast Pacific, a contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (“the Ocean Decade”). This website was made by Tula Foundation staff to support initiatives in the region and globally, and to promote ocean science rooted in community priorities. While the Tula Foundation is no longer working directly with the UN on the Ocean Decade, it remains a strong supporter of the Ocean Decade and, in particular, of the actions that are working towards collaborative solutions to ocean challenges in the Northeast Pacific region.

This archive of the website will remain as a legacy resource.

Updates will not be made to the site, but the many resources and stories of ocean actions will remain. Many thanks to those who contributed to the website during its years of operation.

Ready to dive in? There’s a place for everyone in the Ocean Decade—stay connected to help ensure a thriving, resilient, sustainable and productive Northeast Pacific Ocean. Sign up for our newsletter.