This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more
Feb 8, 2024 | 10:00AM - 2:07AM | PST | Online
The third webinar in our series on current innovations in measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) will focus on how modeling and observations are used to quantify, verify, and reduce uncertainty in the deployment of ocean-based CDR.
Three leading scientists developing innovative tools will share how modeling works alongside monitoring and other approaches to MRV and describe what they see as the key current challenges and advancements in the field. Dr. Raphael Ouillon (atdepth MRV), Dr. Alicia Karspeck ([C]Worthy), and Dr. Ellen Briggs (Aquatic Labs) are featured speakers. Talks will be followed by a moderated audience Q&A. Liliana Bastian, OV-UN DCC Program Officer, and Nikhil Neelakantan, Ocean Visions Senior Program Officer, host.
The Ocean-Climate Solutions Innovation Exchange aims to increase international visibility of emerging ocean-climate solutions and convene a range of voices to explore common challenges and opportunities in the ocean-climate innovation space. Hosted by the Ocean Visions-UN Decade Collaborative Center for Ocean-Climate Solutions (OV-UN DCC), the Innovation Exchange's webinar series hosts multi-sector speakers to explore synergies, overlaps, gaps, and opportunities to advance the development of ocean-climate solutions and actions.
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