This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Welcome to the Ocean Decade Regional Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific


We support and facilitate co-designed and co-produced knowledge for collaborative solutions to ocean challenges in the Northeast Pacific region.

The Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific connects ocean knowledge to ocean action and makes the Ocean Decade come alive in our region.

How we work

We bring our organization's mission to life in four core roles:


Cultivate connections and exchanges across communities, knowledge systems and boundaries.


Identify ocean knowledge gaps and opportunities to catalyze actions centered on community needs.


Share the stories of ocean actions, raising awareness, and highlighting diverse work in the Northeast Pacific.


Mobilize knowledge and resources to accelerate transformative solutions.

The Ocean Decade

The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the “Ocean Decade,” 2021-2030), aims to accelerate transformative collective action for the development of ocean knowledge and solutions that address existing and future challenges faced by the world’s ocean ecosystems and peoples, moving from the ‘ocean we have’ to the ‘ocean we want’.

Learn More


Check out our upcoming events. An archive of our past events is available as well.

Our commitment

From the coast to the deep water and across boundaries and borders, we acknowledge the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Indigenous peoples that have called the Northeast Pacific region home since time immemorial. The Collaborative Center and its team deeply value equity, justice and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. We strive for inclusion of diverse voices and the co-design and co-production of projects with the communities most impacted by our work.

Ready to dive in? There’s a place for everyone in the Ocean Decade—stay connected to help ensure a thriving, resilient, sustainable and productive Northeast Pacific Ocean. Sign up for our newsletter.