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May 8 - May 9, 2024 | PST | Online

Communications Symposium Follow Up Webinar


Following the Communications Symposium, held at the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelonoa on 8-9th April, this webinar will share findings, discussions and outcomes from the two day meeting for those who were not present.

The Symposium gathered over 60 communications professionals from across the world to exchange experiences and expertise to support the development of ocean-climate communication best practice guidelines and associated resources as part of the Project ‘Advancing Strategic Ocean Communication’. This collaborative project aims to share capacity and professionalise ocean communications.

The webinar will outline the key themes and needs that emerged, next steps as we integrate findings into the Advancing Strategic Ocean Communication project and updates on the development of the practitioner network. The webinar will also offer the opportunity for those who weren’t able to attend the Symposium to contribute feedback and ask questions.

To accommodate different time zones, we’re holding two webinars with the same content. You can register below:  

Register for May 8 Webinar:
May 8, 2024 03:00 PM UTC Asia/Pacific; 08:00 AM Pacific Time

Register Here

Register for May 9 Webinar:
May 9, 2024 05:00 AM UTC Europe/North and South America; 22:00 PM Pacific Time

Register Here

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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