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Understanding and Addressing Ocean Acidification and Changing Ocean Conditions Through the Development of OA Action Plans

Understanding and Addressing Ocean Acidification and Changing Ocean Conditions Through the Development of OA Action Plans Logo

Lead Organizations

  • International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification

Project Description

The International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification (OA Alliance) is a voluntary initiative of governments and non-government members representing nearly 300 million people and 366,414 kilometers of coastline. Members of the OA Alliance include a wide diversity of national, state, municipal, and sovereign Tribal, indigenous, and First Nation governments along with many dedicated affiliate partners like NGOs, seafood industry leaders, and local academia. Through the OA Alliance, they are exploring and promoting efforts that increase biodiversity, adaptive capacity and resilience by translating knowledge into policy actions by national, regional and subnational governments.

Understanding and Addressing Ocean Acidification and Changing Ocean Conditions Through the Development of OA Action Plans is a project endorsed through the Ocean Decade Programme OARS


Project Website

OA Alliance

Project Info at UN Ocean Decade Website

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