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Better Biomolecular Ocean Practices

Better Biomolecular Ocean Practices Logo

Lead Organizations

  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

Project Description

A project for the digitisation of omics protocols from long-term observatories around the world using machine-readable templates and metadata. Methodological information is essential to understand the biomolecular data it generates (its limitations, strengths, and the ability to integrate and compare it with other datasets). However, in the biomolecular community, this information is often buried in publications that lack sufficient detail and are neither machine readable nor actionable. Within the IOC-UNESCO OBPS system, we have started an effort to exhume and empower these critical information artifacts. Under OBON, we propose building upon and expanding those efforts into a project for the digitisation of omics protocols from long-term observatories around the world using machine-readable templates and metadata. This will leverage and advance activities to develop protocol templates and metadata specifications, while working with strategic OBON partners in ocean observing and contributing to OBON’s aims for capacity sharing and inter-programme coordination (OBON - OceanPractices).

Better Biomolecular Ocean Practices is a project endorsed through the Ocean Decade Programme OBON


Project Website

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

Project Info at UN Ocean Decade Website

UN Ocean Decade Project Page

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