This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Program Officer

The Program Officer (PO) is responsible for supporting and coordinating all aspects of the OVUN DCC and GEOS. This includes organizing and/or helping to facilitate various functions and initiatives, assisting the creation of new expert groups (e.g. communities of practice, task forces, working groups, etc.), organizing webinars, workshops, fundraising and generally helping to advance the co-design, testing, and ultimately deployment of ocean-based solutions to critical climate challenges. The PO will be a staff member of Ocean Visions and report directly to the Director of the OVUN DCC with oversight and management via the Director of the GEOS Program. The PO will work very closely with the OV-UN DCC, which is a new UN Decade Collaborative Center established under the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences and managed as a joint venture between Ocean Visions, Georgia Tech, and the Georgia Aquarium. The salary range for this position is $65,000-$85,000 dollars, commensurate with the candidate’s specific skills, years of experience, location, and unique background.


Ocean Visions – UN Decade Collaborative Center for Ocean-Climate Solutions (OV-UN DCC)

Opportunity Type


Key Dates

Review begins March 27, 2023

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