This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Parks Canada Operations Engagement Advisor

Reporting to the Marine Projects Supervisor, the purpose of the Parks Canada Operations Engagement Advisor is to facilitate communications and provide strategic recommendations between Cowichan Tribes’ leadership, staff & members, First Nation governments and Parks Canada regarding Parks Canada Operations in the Southern Strait of Georgia on the feasibility of the proposed National Marine Conservation Area Reserve (NMCA) and Gulf Islands National Park Reserve (GINPR) programs. This position is responsible for all consultation and engagement with Parks Canada in southern Gulf Islands and southern Strait of Georgia. This is a full-time term position until July 31, 2024, that works primarily in the office with a moderate amount of local and regional travel.


Cowichan Tribes

Opportunity Type


Key Dates

Nov 7, 2023

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