This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Ocean Enthusiasts - Ocean Bridge Program

The Ocean Bridge program is a 20-week (Fall and Spring) part-time program designed for Canadians and permanent residents aged 19 – 30 from coast to coast to coast. Each year, the program connects 120 youth and young professionals from rural land locked towns, northern communities, urban coastal cities and anywhere in between to form a national cohort of ocean ambassadors. This project-based experiential program aims to empower young people to become Ocean Wise citizens and adopt a culture of service. Through 1:1 coaching, immersive learning journeys, online workshops and discussions, ambassadors become equipped with relevant skills and are provided with funding opportunities to design and deliver ocean and freshwater action projects that are implemented on a local or national scale.


Ocean Wise

Opportunity Type


Key Dates

Apply by August 28th

Ready to dive in? There’s a place for everyone in the Ocean Decade—stay connected to help ensure a thriving, resilient, sustainable and productive Northeast Pacific Ocean. Sign up for our newsletter.