This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more
This competition encourages innovators and entrepreneurs like you to identify and validate ideas with potential for improving ocean sustainability and solving climate challenges that affect coastal communities. You can count yourself in, even if you are not at the idea phase. The competition welcomes other individuals to participate, as long as you are passionate about oceans and have skill sets that may be useful to participating teams. They are specifically interested in early stage ideas on how to do any of the following better: -monitor and predict ocean conditions -transition to become net-zero port communities -create resilient communities with circular economies (where nothing is wasted) -preserve and leverage natural assets With over $22,000 in prizes, your idea could be among the three winning ideas. For each of those ideas, winners will be awarded up to $7,500 to take their idea further.
Ocean Startup Project
Register by May 11, 2023