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Aquaculture Award

The California Sea Grant College Program is now soliciting proposals for research projects that address goals and objectives specific to aquaculture in the Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFA) section of the California Sea Grant 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. In addition, the research projects should address one or more of the priority areas specific to this request for proposals (described below). Successful projects will involve both a substantial intellectual question and the promise of useful application to a California coastal or ocean issue. The projects are expected to begin on February 1, 2024. Faculty and academic staff from universities and scientists from research institutions throughout California are invited to apply. We anticipate funding two to four projects. The duration of a project request is typically two years, though requests for a 1-year award will also be considered.


California Sea Grant

Opportunity Type


Key Dates

LOI due March 14, 2023

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