This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more
February 23rd, 2023
Stories connect us to the past, present, future and to each other. They provide opportunities to learn, find commonalities, and understand different perspectives. Stitch Your Ocean Science, a project from AGU, calls on you to craft your ocean story visually through crocheting, knitting, quilting, weaving, and embroidery (in all forms).
Is it an expression of the wonders of the ocean?
A data visualization?
A professional or recreational experience?
An ocean science solution?
Perhaps a call to action?
Stitchers do not have to be AGU members to participate – they can be individual that creates something new, or has created something in the past. Classrooms and student clubs are encouraged to participate, too! Each individual can submit images for a maximum of two items. There will be a virtual gallery that showcases all of the creations, and we will bring together in-person those in attendance at AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023) and the Ocean Sciences meeting (New Orleans, LA, February 18-23, 2024). A Zoom social will be hosted the week before the AGU Fall Meeting to connect the crafters and celebrate the submissions.
The submission deadline is November 17, 2023. Visit the project website for the submission details. Find resources to share with others to learn more about ocean science, to immerse in ocean data, and to explore art-science-ocean action nexus.
Stitch Your Ocean Science has been endorsed as an Ocean Decade Activity.