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May 17, 2023 | 12:00PM - 1:08AM | PST | Online
Romney McPhie, Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful tool that has gained traction in recent years for monitoring and managing marine ecosystems. eDNA refers to genetic material obtained directly from environmental samples, such as seawater or sediments. In marine environments, eDNA can be used to detect and identify a wide range of organisms, allowing scientists and ocean practitioners to gain insights into the biodiversity and distribution of species in a particular area without having to physically observe them. These methods can be particularly useful for monitoring rare or elusive species, as well as for assessing and protecting marine ecosystems and informing effective conservation strategies.
Interested in learning about the cutting-edge technology that is transforming understanding and management of marine ecosystems? Join the Decade Collaborative Center for the NE Pacific for a webinar on the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for monitoring, management and stewardship of marine ecosystems. In this participatory session, experts in the field will discuss their work applying eDNA approaches in order to fill key knowledge gaps related to management and stewardship questions in the northeast Pacific.
Expert panel:
Margaret Leinen is the director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the lead of the Ocean Biomolecular Observing Networks (OBON) an endorsed Ocean Decade Programme that will monitor, research and understand ocean life by analyzing biomolecules, such as eDNA.
Matt Lemay and Carolyn Prentice are research scientists at the Hakai Institute involved in the Hakai Institute-Biomolecular Observing Network, an endorsed Ocean Decade Project. Their research uses genetic approaches to quantify marine biodiversity and how it changes through space and time.
Zachary Gold is the group lead for the PMEL 'Omics program. His research leverages the power of genomics tools, particularly DNA metabarcoding, to conduct detailed assessments of marine community diversity, identifying, and unraveling the complex assembly and trophic interactions that drive ecosystem health.
At 1pm PT, after the conclusion of the panel, we invited Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to stay online to discuss, debrief, and exchange ideas in a focused session with the speakers. An Early Career Ocean Professional self-identifies as being early in their career in any field related to the ocean, including undergraduate or graduate education or in the workforce. This portion of the event was co-hosted by ECOP Canada and led by Michael Allison, a graduate student at the University of Victoria.
Date: May 17, 2023, 12–1pm PST (with extended 1–1:30pm ECOP session)
Location: Online via Zoom
Convenor: Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific