This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Jun 1, 2022 | 7:00AM - 6:42PM | PST | Online

SmartNet: Establishing Global Knowledge Networks to Achieve "A Productive Ocean"


Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems Through Global Knowledge Networks (SmartNet) seeks to establish a global knowledge network for ocean science by strengthening and expanding the collaboration of ICES, PICES​ and partner organizations, with emphasis on areas of mutual research interest including climate change, fisheries and ecosystem-based management, social, ecological and environmental dynamics of marine systems, coastal communities and human dimensions, and communication and capacity development.

This two-hour session will introduce SmartNet to the Ocean Decade community and provides initial networking opportunities with potential partner organizations, stakeholders, end users, and Decade-endorsed activities with common goals.

This event is organized as an interactive panel. Topics include:

  • ​Overview of SmartNet

  • Capacity sharing in the ocean decade

  • Co-design of Decade activities

  • Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion in the Ocean Decade

Establishing Global Knowledge Networks in SmartNet

Date: June 1, 2022
Time: 7–9am Pacific
Location: Online Event
Convenors: SMARTNET Global Programme, ICES, PICES


For more information: ICES event page

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