This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more
Jun 1 - Jun 11, 2023 | PST | Hybrid
Ocean Week Canada
After the epic launch of the Ocean Week Canada national collaboration last year, the COLC project office, together with a team of national partners, collaborators, event hosts, and featured artists, are ready for Ocean Week Canada 2023.
Ocean Week Canada is an annual national celebration of ocean events, learning, and engagement held during the week of World Ocean Day (June 8). Through these events and learning activities, we recognize the important role the ocean plays in our everyday lives and how local waterways connect us all with the ocean. Help raise public awareness and celebrate this connection to coastal areas, the ocean, and watersheds in Canada. Together, we can inspire action to ensure a healthy ocean for future generations.
Last year there were 101 events. This year, there are already 116 events registered on the OWC portal, with active regional hubs established in Victoria, Montreal (Québec), Ottawa, Halifax, and St John’s, and over 75 community-led events in coastal, rural or inland communities. Register, join, or support an event!