This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Oct 13, 2023 | 7:12AM - 7:12AM | PST | Online

Ocean Best Practices: OBPS Workshop VII [free, online]


The 2023 workshop will explore the Ocean Best Practices aimed at providing some “common” solutions to the 10 selected challenges set by the UN Ocean Decade for collective impact. Registration and agenda are now available!

The online workshop will be divided into three sessions per day (each day about 2 to 3 hours in total), covering an introductory session on the new developments of the proposed OceanPractices Federated Network and Session tracks addressing the Challenges listed, with plenty of time for discussion and Q & A. Each session should address such questions as: “What kind of Ocean BP should be developed for major topics (e.g. climate change, energy, environment)?“, “Where are the gaps in BP in your discipline?”;  “Are BP transversal, i.e., not silo-like?” or “Beyond BP, what do we do?”

The track ‘Challenge 0’ (below) will address the specifics of BP endorsement, potential standards out of the BP, and other foundational activities.

Workshop Tracks –

UN Ocean Decade Challenges:  

[Challenge 0: Foundational Activities [cross cutting topics]
Challenge 1:  Understand and beat marine pollution
Challenge 2:  Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity
Challenge 3:  Sustainably feed the global population
Challenge 4:  Develop a sustainable and equitable ocean economy
Challenge 5:  Unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change
Challenge 6:  Increase community resilience to ocean hazards
Challenge 7:  Expand the Global Ocean Observing System
Challenge 8:  Create a digital representation of the ocean
Challenge 9:  Skills, knowledge and technology for all
Challenge 10:  Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean

Workshop Tracks –

Registration and Agenda - now available!

UN Ocean Decade Challenges:  

Let us know if you are interested in participating, and contributing to, or leading/moderating a Track Session by filling out the Interest to Participate short form. .

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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