Apr 10 - Apr 12, 2024 | RST | In Person

Ocean Decade Conference


Hosted by Spain and co-organized with UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO), the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference will take place on 10-12 April 2024 in the coastal city of Barcelona.

It will be a 3-day, in-person event co-led with a range of partners: Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Capital Náutica Foundation, and the Spanish National Ocean Decade Committee, which is led by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Spanish Research Council (CSIC).

More details about the programme, registration process and calls for proposals for satellite events are available on the conference website. If you would like to receive updates, please sign up here.

Learn more about this event here: https://oceandecade.org/events/2024-ocean-decade-conference/

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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