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Nov 29, 2023 | 7:00AM - 9:05AM | PST | Online

November 2023 Webinar: Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Ocean Decade


Jointly hosted by the UN Ocean Decade Programs Blue Food Futures, Fisheries Strategies for Changing Oceans and Resilient Ecosystems (FishSCORE), and Sustainability, Predictability, and Resilience of Marine Ecosystems (SUPREME)

This webinar series highlights current efforts and challenges along the spectrum of the climate-fisheries nexus. Presentations and discussions will range from data-driven efforts being undertaken around the world to better understand oceanographic and biological changes affecting fisheries, to how the results can be used to inform fisheries management, aquaculture, and sustainable food decisions, to the many ways people and broader communities are being impacted by and adapting to the way these changes impact marine ecosystems and marine resource use.


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Vivienne Solís Rivera will present work by the organization CoopeSoliDar R.L. to strengthen the collective and individual capacity of small-scale fisheries organizations on both Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica and Honduras for the implementation of the Small-Scale Fishing guidelines including the necessary areas related to tenure rights, access to responsible fishing, generation of knowledge, gender approach and adaptation to climate change within others to share the experience for the International Year of Small Scale Fisheries 2023. This work has been endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Sciences as addressing the UN sustainable development goals of food security and poverty eradication.

Ms. Solís Rivera is a biologist and the founder of CoopeSoliDar R.L., and a Board Member for the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) and an honorary member of the ICCA Consortium ( She graduated from the University of Costa Rica, with a master's degree in Ecology from Lawrence University, Kansas, USA. She has participated in institutional and interdisciplinary projects of environmental education, training and academic nature on issues related to the conservation and community use of Biodiversity.

The professional activities that she has developed have been oriented towards the promotion of community management of wildlife, the biology and culture of conservation and the comprehensive and interdisciplinary discussion of the use of its elements of biodiversity with emphasis on the achievement of a more fair and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from this use, co-management and other forms of governance that promote citizen participation in the conservation of protected areas and natural resources.

Jason Cope will share information about FishPath, an approach to setting fisheries on the path to sustainability. Its main element is a stakeholder engagement process guided by the online FishPath decision-support tool. This comprehensive approach also includes workshops, trainings, and resources for delivering tailored solutions to the management challenges of each unique fishery.

Dr. Cope received his B.A. in Integrative Biology with an emphasis in animal behavior and evolution from the University of California at Berkeley, his M.S. in 2002 from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, and his Ph.D. from the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington. Jason also served on the Pacific Fishery Management Council's Groundfish Management Team for 4 years. He is currently a Research Fish Biologist with the Northwest Fisheries Science Center’s Population Ecology Program.

Jason has contributed to numerous groundfish stock assessments for the NWFSC since 2004 and is a member of the NWFSCs Integrated Fisheries Stock Assessment Team. In addition to supporting fisheries management through stock assessments, Jason is involved in a variety of research topics that include a) extensive involvement in the development, application, and teaching of methods for resource-limited fisheries (including the development of Shiny-based apps), b) improving estimates of basic life history characteristics (e.g. age and growth, mortality) of groundfishes, developing reference points, control rules and management strategies, and d) incorporating spatial dynamics into stock assessments. He is a member of the FishPath development team, a web-based decision support tool for developing harvest strategies. Jason also regularly serves as a reviewer for a variety of stock assessments around the world, as well as serves on the editorial board of Fisheries Research.

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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