This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Apr 15, 2024 | 9:00AM - 12:03PM | PST | Online

Mobilizing eDNA for Management in the Northeast Pacific


You’re invited to a public Webinar on ‘Mobilizing Environmental DNA (eDNA) for Management in the Northeast Pacific’ taking place on April 15th, 2024. This event will be co-hosted by the eDNA Collaborative and the Ocean Decade Collaborative Center for the Northeast Pacific, and is being planned in partnership with representatives from the Hakai Institute, DFO, NOAA, and McGill University.

Are you a marine manager or steward that would like more information on using eDNA as a tool for environmental management?

Are you an eDNA scientist hoping to better understand the priority management needs and questions of current and potential eDNA users?

This Webinar will bring marine managers and stewards working across the Northeast Pacific on diverse issues - from Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to threatened species to invasive species to coastal restoration - together with eDNA scientists to: (1) discuss priority management needs and questions; and, (2) facilitate and accelerate the incorporation of eDNA technology and science into marine environmental management.

A key outcome will be recommendations on how to increase communication, collaboration, and partnership, to accelerate mobilization of eDNA for marine environmental management across the Northeast Pacific Region. We look forward to seeing you on April 15th!


Part 1:

Part 2:

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