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Mar 28, 2024 | 9:00AM - 10:00AM | PST | Online

FishSCORE 2030 March Webinar: Monitoring for Management


We’re excited to announce the next installment of our webinar series jointly hosted with other UN Ocean Decade programs focused on climate impacts to marine and fisheries systems and communities.

Topics at the nexus of climate change, fisheries, and blue foods

A webinar series highlighting the impact of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture and the communities who depend on them

March 2024 Webinar: Monitoring for Management

March 28th at noon EDT (UTC-4) // 9am PDT (UTC-7)


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Global Fishing Watch Marine Manager

Global Fishing Watch Marine Manager is a freely available, innovative technology portal, founded by Dona Bertarelli. It provides near real-time, dynamic, and interactive data on ocean conditions, biology, and human-use activity to support marine spatial planning, marine protected area design and management, and scientific research.

Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas (SustainMare)

SustainMare is UN Ocean Decade endorsed project that analyses and classifies the use of and the pressures on marine spaces in such a way, that a scientifically sound basis is created for decisions by politics, authorities and the economy.

Jointly hosted by the UN Ocean Decade Programs Blue Food Futures, Fisheries Strategies for Changing Oceans and Resilient Ecosystems (FishSCORE), Sustainability, Predictability, and Resilience of Marine Ecosystems (SUPREME), and Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems through Global Knowledge Networks (SmartNet).

This webinar series highlights current efforts and challenges along the spectrum of the climate-fisheries nexus. Presentations and discussions will range from data-driven efforts being undertaken around the world to better understand oceanographic and biological changes affecting fisheries, to how the results can be used to inform fisheries management, aquaculture, and sustainable food decisions, to the many ways people and broader communities are being impacted by and adapting to the way these changes impact marine ecosystems and marine resource use.

This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity
This is an Ocean Decade Endorsed Activity

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