This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

The Ocean Decade Image Bank and Toolkits

The Ocean Decade Image Bank and Toolkits Logo

Lead Organizations

  • The Ocean Agency

Contribution Description

A free-to-use digital library of thousands of ocean photos and videos by world-class photographers and videographers, together with infographics, designs, and other media assets including easy-to-use communication toolkits. These free resources will be designed to help everyone involved in ocean science and conservation communication and education to: • accelerate awareness and support for ocean science and conservation by developing more compelling communications and increased media coverage • raise awareness of the importance of the Ocean Decade and the issue of Ocean Change, and • improve the overall image of ocean science to create excitement around the subject, broaden its appeal and increase support through prioritorisation.


Richard Vevers

Contribution Website

Ocean Agency Image Bank

Contribution Info at UN Ocean Decade Website

UN Ocean Decade Action Page

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