This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Leveraging our Networks for the Ocean Decade

Leveraging our Networks for the Ocean Decade Logo

Lead Organizations

  • Sustainable Ocean Alliance

Contribution Description

Through this contribution to ECOP, SOA seeks to facilitate sustained collaboration between ECOP’s regional nodes and SOA’s Regional Communities. SOA can play an important role in helping ECOP to build out their regional communities. Particularly in Africa, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia. SOA currently has 7 Regional Representatives representing the Pacific Islands, North America, Africa, Hispano America, Southeast Asia, Lusofonia, Europe, and the Caribbean. These representatives manage extensive regional networks of ocean-focused young leaders, including 64 Ocean Solutions Hubs in 42 Countries. We also aim to provide ECOP’s with speaking opportunities, as well as opportunities for regional training, networking, mentorship, and jobs through SOA’s existing programs and community of ocean tech start-ups. By partnering, we aim to amplify our progress and deepen our impact towards achieving the objectives of the UN Ocean Decade.


Contribution Website

Sustainable Ocean Alliance

Contribution Info at UN Ocean Decade Website

UN Ocean Decade Action Page

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