This website is an archive of the Tula Foundation's work in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. It is no longer being updated. Learn more

Tom Reid bio photo

Tom Reid

Program Manager, West Coast Conservation Land Management Program

Tom is the Program Manager for the West Coast Conservation Land Management Program (WCCLMP). This program is an innovative partnership focused on conservation, stewardship and management of sensitive ecosystems along the coast of British Columbia and includes the Nature Trust of BC, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Province of BC, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation as well as several Coastal First Nations. Tom has been leading the delivery of this program for the past 17 years (management of over 110 sites and 11,000ha) including managing several large restoration projects (e.g. Englishman, Nanaimo, Salmon, Quatse estuaries) and has lead the implementation of the BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund “Enhancing Estuary Resilience” project focused on monitoring and restoring 15 estuaries throughout the coast of BC in partnership with 12 First Nations. Tom has led the development of several partnership projects/programs with Coastal First Nations throughout the West Coast Region and supports all partners of the WCCLMP in meeting their strategic goals.

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