Apr 4 - Apr 6, 2023 | PST | Hybrid

Ocean Visions Biennial Summit


The Ocean Visions Biennial Summit is designed to be a highly interactive conference with a mix of session types such as plenaries, lightning presentations, posters, and other networking interactions. The conference is structured around five core topical tracks, which will be addressed through half-day sessions. The tracks are:

  • Ocean-Based Contributions to Global Decarbonization: What are specific solutions and innovations necessary to advance ocean-based contributions to global decarbonization which could include but are not limited to ways to decarbonize shipping; ocean-based renewable energy sources; decarbonizing fisheries and aquaculture; and producing zero or low carbon food (blue foods)?

  • Ocean-Based Contributions to Carbon Dioxide Removal: How do we advance ocean-based CDR research and development—as well as related enabling conditions related to economic, policy, and social aspects

  • Ocean Ecosystem Regeneration: What interventions have the best chance of slowing, stopping and ultimately reversing losses to critical ocean ecosystems and functions in the face of climate tipping points?

  • Human Adaptation to a Changing Ocean: How can we develop and advance the array of responses necessary to support human adaptation to a changing ocean, such as managed retreat, reinventing coastal ocean livelihoods, building coastal resilience to dangerous events, adaptation to sea level rise, and habitat/species restoration/rewilding. 

  • Building a Global Community of Solvers at the Ocean-Climate Nexus: What are the social and economic innovations required to build a global solutions-oriented community?

Date: April 4–6, 2023
Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, USA and online
Ocean Visions Inc.

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